Welcome to the Jungle


Thank you US Farm Bill of 2018, which finally broke the chains from hemp. Gone are the days of villainization for the “demon weed” and we can finally look forward to more effective and practical uses for one of natures many gifts.

Natures remedies as a whole has been on the rise for sometime. Our scientist finally have freedoms to derive, test and deliver effective ground breaking treatments and remedies for a number of ailments, conditions and disease. It’s not so hard now to realize we have experienced years of suppression and prohibited from these natural gifts.

As the products settle into the recreational and medicinal communities, huge investors and product giants emerge cornering market share and driving smaller businesses from the scene. This creates unique opportunities for the craft and small batch artisans, such as ourselves. Artisan Farmers, I like that.

So it’s a wild-west jungle out there right now, with Hemp/CBD/THC offerings across the board from everything edible to freaking suppositories, right… another “they put that stuff in everything” moment. Ingredients and dosage all over the place, who really knows whats in it and with synthetics in abundance, and we all know greed comes into play.

We are not competing with everyone else, we compete with ourselves to deliver a better product, experience and solution. You are not going to buy a luxury car at the KIA dealership, and your not going to find our products at a Dispensary/Shop. You will find our products with higher end clients and connossieurs of fine Hemp Flowers.

Pardon the mess while we bring everything online and accessible for the public. I will post regular grow updates via our Grow Logs. Sign-up for the announcements and get full information on Strain/Batch releases, coming early summer. Enjoy selections available NOW from our Affliate in California, Crysp.

We can’t wait to share our Flowers with you! In between now and then, we just vibin’.


Cultivating Artisan Hemp with Precision and Passion